2013年8月11日 星期日

Bacopa monnieri “Compact”

Bacopa monnieri “Compact”

假馬齒莧學名Bacopa monnieri)原生於亞洲印度中國越南亞熱帶地區,具匍匐莖及白色小花。起初,它在池塘邊駐足,並不起眼,但它最後會像綠色的地毯般鋪滿整個池塘。它天生愛水,而且非常硬朗,能適應深水或淺水環境,甚至可以在淡水環境生長,但最喜愛的還是緩緩的河流。
界: 植物界 Plantae
門: 被子植物門 Magnoliophyta
綱: 雙子葉植物綱 Magnoliopsida
目: 唇形目 Lamiales
科: 車前科 Plantaginaceae
屬: 假馬齒莧屬 Bacopa
種: 假馬齒莧 B. monnieri
Family : Plantaganaceae

Origin : Pantropical and Subtropics

Height : 5 cm – 10+ cm

Width : 3 cm

Temperature : 15 – 30° C

pH : 5.0 – 9.0

Light : Medium to High

Growth : Medium

Demands : Easy

This culture form of the stalk plant Bacopa Monnieri is more compact and, under good light conditions, almost a creeping plant. By pinching off all vertical growing shoots, the plant can maintain a low and close growth, since it willingly creates a large number of side shoots. Further, the plant grows well in the shadow of other plants. Very suitable as a bit higher carpet – or bushy plant in the middle or front of the aquarium. The plant becomes more vertical growing and less compact without CO2 additive and decreased light conditions.
假馬齒莧屬匍匐草本,無毛,略呈肉質。莖長,節可生長出根。葉對生,無葉柄,呈矩圓狀倒披針形,長8-20毫米,頂端圓鈍,全緣,極少有齒。花單生葉腋,花梗長0.5-3.5厘米;花萼下有一對條形小苞片;萼片有5枚,完全分開生長,呈覆瓦狀排列,前後兩枚較寬,呈卵狀披針形,其餘3枚呈披針形至條形,長約5毫米;花冠鍾狀,藍色、紫色或白色,長8-10毫米,2個呈不明顯唇形,上唇2個裂片,下唇3個裂片;雄蕊有4枚;果呈卵狀錐形,短於宿存的萼,室間2裂;種子呈橢圓狀錐形,呈黃棕色有光澤,表面有縱條棱狀。 分布於台灣、福建、廣東、雲南;熱帶廣布。生水邊及沙灘濕地。藥用可治腫毒。

